


男 (1970-) 陈式第12代传人
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冯德坤 冯德坤 籍贯:河北涞水 太极流派:陈氏太极拳 拳馆名称:湖北省黄石市太极拳研究会湖北国术文化传播有限公司 授拳地区:湖北省黄石市 简介:冯德坤(1970.12),男,满族(正黄旗),生于河北省保定市涞水县西营房满族村,八极拳第七代传人,陈式太极拳第十二代传人,孙氏形意拳、八卦掌第四代传人。 现任中国武术世界运动协会委员、国际高级考评师、国际高二级裁判员、中国民间武术家联谊会会员、陈式太极拳第十二代优秀传人。陈式太极拳高级拳师、中国武术协会会员、国家武术六段、国际七段、国际一级武术师、国际一级教练、国家二级气功师、金刚气功教练、散打教练。现任湖北省黄石市太极拳研究会会长、湖北国术文化传播有限公司董事长。广东德虹国术文化传播有限公司总经理。 从小随父习练家传八极拳,中学时期拜中国武术大师孙剑云的大弟子康群为师。习练形意拳、八卦掌及内家擒拿术。后经康群师父给我介绍民间形意拳高手“戎占奎”师父再次深造形意拳。 戎占奎恩师又给我介绍民间点穴高手吴润堂师父。向吴润堂恩师学习点穴法和卸骨术。 1989年开始习练传统陈氏太极拳。 1991年正式拜当代太极拳大师、武学泰斗马虹为师习练传统陈式太极拳一路83式、二路71式、推手、功力训练、太极轮、百把气功桩、拆拳讲劲、太极拳技击法、刀、剑、杆、春秋大刀,曾多次次参加全国教练员讲习班。 2003年参加全国陈式太极拳第三期教练员讲习班。 2007年参加全国陈式太极拳第七期传人讲习班。多次到恩师家中让恩师给予我看拳,得到恩师的亲授。 2006年参加湖北省第二届传统武术比赛,荣获形意拳第一名金奖、陈氏太极拳第二名银奖。 冯德坤在2015年由中国联合文化出版社出版的“中华武术通鉴”被录入名家卷核心人物。 冯德坤任2016年“中华真功夫”项目《当代中华武术人物大辞典》副总编和编委成员。被“中华真功夫”选入核心人物。为记载各位武林人士的奉献功绩,显扬他们为中华传统武术发展所做出的贡献,“中华真功夫”系列项目组委会编辑整理《当代中华武术人物大辞典》中华传统武术经历数千年的历史传承,历代武术人为传承、发展中华传统武术所付出的艰辛与努力,足当永久载入史册。 冯德坤在2016年4月被“中华真功夫”系列项目组选入参与单位代表。 2016年8月5日“中华真功夫”系列项目组张芸滔总导演亲自前来黄石市采访及验证冯德坤真功夫。 2017年11月参加第七届世界传统武术锦标赛荣获“国际名师”、“国际优秀裁判”等称号,获得四项“个人项目一等奖”奖项。 2018年7月20日至22日,参加第九届华夏武状元争霸赛,冯德坤会长带领六名入室弟子,取得骄人成绩,共获得荣誉证书三册,金牌15枚,银牌1枚,铜牌1枚。其中冯德坤获得国际武术文化传承证书一册及“龙牌”一枚;优秀教练荣誉证书一册;男子中年二组传统陈式太极拳冠军金牌一枚;男子中年二组传统形意连环八式拳冠军金牌一枚。研究会获得传统陈式太极拳集体项目团体一等奖并获得体育道德风尚奖荣誉证书一册。 2020年元月1日,由《中华武术传承人大典》,编辑委员会邀请冯德坤担任编委会委员。负责入典人员推荐审批工作。 2020年6月18日,由《国际健康运动联合会》给冯德坤下请书,任名《世界健康运动联合会》传播大使称号。 八极拳传承脉细:吴钟--吴钟毓--吴梅--吴世科--吴秀峰--冯少田--冯德坤 陈式太极拳传承脉细:陈王廷--陈汝信--陈大鹏--陈善志--陈秉旺--陈长兴--陈耕耘--陈延熙--陈发科--陈照奎--马虹--冯德坤 形意拳、八卦掌传承脉细:孙禄堂--孙剑云--康群--冯德坤 Feng Dekun Feng Dekun Birthplace: Laishui, Hebei School of Tai Chi: Chen tai Chi Boxing Hall Name: Hubei Huangshi Taijiquan Research Institute Hubei Guoshu Culture Communication Co., LTD Awarded boxing area: Huangshi City, Hubei Province Introduce: Feng Dekun (1970.12), male, Manchu (Zhenghuang Flag), born in Xiyingfang Manchu Village in Laishui County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, ba Ji quan seventh generation heir, Chen Style Taijiquan twelfth generation heir, Sun Xingyi quan, Baguazhang fourth generation heir. Currently, he is a member of The Chinese Wushu World Sports Association, an international senior appraiser, an international high second-class judge, a member of the Chinese Folk wushu Association, and an excellent successor of the 12th generation of Chen Tai Chi. Chen Style Taijiquan senior boxer, member of Chinese Wushu Association, national wushu Sixth Dan, international wushu seventh Dan, international first-level wushu master, international first-level coach, national second-level Qigong master, King Kong Qigong master, sanda master. He is now the President of Huangshi Taijiquan Research Association and the chairman of Hubei Guoshu Culture Communication Co., LTD. General Manager of Guangdong Dehong Guoshu Culture Communication Co., LTD. He practiced baji boxing with his father since childhood. In middle school, kang Qun, a disciple of Sun Jianyun, a Chinese martial arts master, was his teacher. Practice xingyiquan, Baguazhang and internal grabbing. Later, Master Kang Qun introduced to me the folk xingyiquan master "Rong Zhankui" to further study Xingyiquan. Rong Zhankui teacher and introduced to me the folk point master Wu Runtang master. Learn acupoint method and osteotomy from Master Wu Runtang. He began practicing traditional Chen Tai Chi in 1989. In 1991, ma Hong, a contemporary tai Chi master and martial arts master, was formally taught to practice the traditional Chen Tai Chi style: Type 83, Type 71, push hand, strength training, Tai Chi wheel, 100 qigong piles, open boxing, Tai Chi boxing, Dao, jian, pole, And Spring and Autumn Machete. In 2003, participated in the third session of the National Instructor workshop on Chen Tai Chi. In 2007, he participated in the seventh National Teaching Workshop of Chen Tai Chi. Many times to the teacher's home to let the teacher give me see boxing, get the teacher's personal award. In 2006, he participated in the second traditional Martial arts competition of Hubei Province and won the first gold medal of Xingyi Boxing and the second silver medal of Chen Tai Chi. Feng Dekun's "Chinese Martial Arts Tongjian" published by China United Culture Publishing House in 2015 was recorded as the core figure in the Masterpiece Volume. Feng Dekun is the deputy editor-in-chief and member of the editorial board of the dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Martial Arts Figures for the 2016 "Chinese True Kung Fu" project. Chosen as the core character by "Chinese True Kung Fu". Spreads to record each wulin personage's dedication achievement, their contribution to the development of the Chinese traditional martial arts "Chinese kung fu" series project organizing committee compiled "contemporary Chinese wushu character dictionary of Chinese traditional wushu through thousands of years of history, all previous dynasties of inheritance and development of Chinese traditional wushu martial arts for hardships and efforts, the foot when permanent go down in history. Feng Dekun was selected as the representative of the participating units by the project team of "Zhonghua Real Kung Fu" series in April 2016. August 5, 2016 "China True Kung Fu" series project team Director Zhang Yuntao personally came to Huangshi city to interview and verify Feng Dekun true kung Fu. In November 2017, he participated in the 7th World Traditional Martial Arts Championship and won the titles of "International Famous Teacher", "International Excellent Referee" and four "individual Event first prizes". On July 20, 2018, he took part in the 9th Chinese champion martial arts competition. Feng dekun, President of the association of martial arts, led six students to enter the house and made remarkable achievements. He obtained three certificates of honor, 15 gold MEDALS, 1 silver medal and 1 bronze medal. Among them, Feng Dekun has obtained one international Martial arts Cultural Heritage certificate and one "Dragon Card". Certificate of Outstanding Coach; One gold medal for the champion of the men's middle-aged group 2 traditional Chen Tai Chi; One gold medal for the gold medal of the traditional Xingyi Eight-style boxing of the middle-aged men's two groups. The Society won the first prize of the traditional Chen Tai Chi collective project group and a certificate of honor of sportsmanship award. On January 1, 2020, the Editorial committee invited Feng Dekun to serve as a member of the editorial committee of the Ceremony of Chinese Martial Arts Heritage. Be responsible for the recommendation and approval of entry personnel. On June 18, 2020, the International Federation of Health Sports invited Feng to be the communication ambassador of the World Federation of Health Sports. Baji Boxing heritage: Wu Zhong -- Wu Zhong Yu -- Wu Mei -- Wu Shike -- Wu Xiufeng -- Feng Shaodan -- Feng Dekun Chen style tai chi chuan inheritance fine vein: court - Chen Ruxin - da-peng Chen Chen - Chen Shanzhi - Chen Bingwang - Chen chang-hsing - Chen cultivated - Chen Yanxi - Chen Fa families - Chen Zhaokui - Ma Hong - Feng Dekun Xingyiquan and Baguazhang are inherited by the following veins: Sun Lutang -- Sun Jianyun -- Kang Qun -- Feng Dekun